Saturday, January 15, 2011

getting shit done

OK so I'm officially putting in the effort to get everything that needs recatagorizing sorted out, I've sent out a bunch of emails to friends for their opinions and they will be up by tonight. I pinky swear! (and I NEVER break a pinky swear) I just wish someone other than me read this blog.... is there anybody out there?  Well if you are please spread the word about my project I really want to finish it by the end of this summer so I can get a summer grant to help pay for my supplies!

well anyways here are the totals pre recatagorization:
Secrets: ( ): 394
Fuck Yous: ( ): 88
Fears: ( ): 88
Dreams and Desires: ( ): 51
Regrets: ( ): 41
Apologies: ( ): 42

Sunday, January 2, 2011